Author: Lu, W.
Paper Title Page
Intense Highly Charged Ion Beams Operation for Heavy Ion Accelerators at IMP  
  • L.T. Sun, Y.C. Feng, W. Lu, C. Qian, H.W. Zhao
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  Versatile needs of nuclear sciences at IMP drives the development of heavy ion accelerators at IMP in recent years. High performance ECR ion sources are used as the injector machines to deliver highly charged heavy ion beams. For conventional coupled operation mode of HIRFL facility, one superconducting ECR ion source and one 14 GHz ECR ion source are used as the injectors to produce ion beams of C ~ U with the beam intensities of several tens to several hundred e¿A. An 18 GHz 2nd generation ECR ion source using evaporative cooling technology has been used as the injector ion source for the recently developed SSC-Linac. Heavy ion beams such as Kr, U and so on have been accelerated with this new injector linac. For the exploration of super heavy element synthesis, a SRF linac has been put in operation that is upgraded from previous CADS demo driver linac. An 18 GHz ECR ion source LECR5 has been developed for the production of medium mass ion beams with the M/Q around 3. This paper will give a general report on the highly charged ECR ion sources development and operation for the accelerators at IMP. The typical performances and challenges in the operation will be discussed.  
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