Author: Liu, S.H.
Paper Title Page
High Availability Oriented Physics design for CiADS Proton Linac  
  • S.H. Liu, W.L. Chen, W.P. Dou, Y. He, Y.S. Qin, Z.J. Wang
    IMP/CAS, Lanzhou, People’s Republic of China
  CiADS is the world’s first Accelerator Driven System with a Mega-watt beam power. The linac of CiADS consists of a 500 MeV and 5 mA with five-family superconducting resonators located directly downstream of the Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ). The most significant challenge in designing the superconducting linac for CiADS is to ensure high-reliability operation with minimal beam loss control at 10-7 level and availability maximization through specifically designed hardware and software. In this presentation, we will discuss the physical design of the superconducting linac, including the fault compensation based on beam loss control and beam loss analysis during commissioning .  
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