Author: Sato, Y.
Paper Title Page
Beam Commissioning of the J-PARC Mr After Its High-Repetition Rate Upgrade  
  • Y. Sato, H. Hotchi
    KEK, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan
  At the J-PARC MR, a project to increase beam power with faster repetition rates is currently underway. With large-scale hardware upgrades in Jul. 2021 to Jun. 2022, the MR operation cycle for the fast extraction mode has been shortened from 2.48 s to 1.36 s, and beam commissioning at this operation cycle is in progress now. The MR first aims to achieve a beam power of >750 kW at this operation cycle, and then finally 1.3 MW by further shortening the operation cycle to 1.16 s and with a higher beam intensity of 3.3 x 1014 ppp. This paper describes the beam commissioning status including the future prospect.  
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